23 February 2013

edmond était un âne (franck dion)

i found this short film by franck dion on arte. i love the aestethics!
here is how arte discribes it:

"edmond est un "petit" employé qui travaille au service des archives d'une grande société. personnage sans histoire, il mène une vie presque normale jusqu'au jour où ses collègues lui font une plaisanterie en le coiffant d'un bonnet d'âne. edmond découvre alors sa véritable nature..."

for the not french speaking a very quick translation of the plot:

edmond, a "small" employee who works as an archivist of a big association. without a history, he tries to live an almost normal life until the day when his co-workers play a joke on him by putting a paper hat in the shape of a donkey on his head. this is the day when edmond explores his real nature...

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